2024 The Creative Finance Summit
Room Block: The Summit will be at the Marriott Columbus Airport; we have reserved a block of rooms for a special rate of $115—but our special rate is about to expire. Please click HERE to make your reservation or call (614) 475-7551 and let them know that you are with the Real Life Real Estate Creative Finance Summit in April 2024.
The Creative Finance Summit
April 26th-28th 2024 in Columbus, Ohio
There are endless ways to buy, sell, and get funding for real estate WITHOUT banks, qualifying, and long, arduous application processes.
And for every creative strategy, there are dozens of ways to find the people you need, talk to them, structure the numbers, and close.
The Creative Finance Summit brings together experienced creative buyers, sellers, lenders and borrowers for 3 days of networking, education, and relationship building.
You’ll hear from a dozen real-life creative deal makers about how THEY:
- Buy properties subject to the existing loan
- Get owners to carry financing
- Get cash flow WITHOUT ownership using master leases
- Help owners who don’t want to sell (and capture HUGE appreciation) using long-term options
- Raise private money at below-market rates
- Lend private money with crazy-high returns using wrap loans and equity-sharing loans
- Wholesale properties and still get continued income
- Do creative deals in tax-free accounts
- Find creative deals
- Talk to sellers to root out the ‘real problem’ and explain how they can creatively solve it
- Wholesale ‘subject to’ deals legally and ethically
- Deal with the Dodd-Frank law
- Sell deals creatively—then, if you want, sell the financing you created to get cash
- …and then, if you want, sell the financing you created to get cash
- Make multiple offers on the same property quickly and easily
- Use 1031 exchanges in creative deals
[See the complete agenda HERE]
You can attend in-person or ‘virtually’ [click here to see what virtually means] but you need to attend, whether you’re new to creative deal making or an old pro.
Your investment comes with:
- 399 fellow creative investors to build life-long relationships with
- Audio recordings of every presentation
- A workshop manual with supplemental materials
- Year round, weekly “support calls” where you can bring deals you’re working on and get help with negotiation, deal structuring, concepts, and more
- Free lunch every day and a Saturday night dinner (if you’re attending in person, of course…)
Plus, it’s cheap:
Your Investment: $1297 for 1, $1,597 for
And it comes with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Attend, and if you don’t agree that what you learned will make you 10x your investment on your very next deal, tell us, and we’ll refund your tuition!
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Meet Your Faculty

Marco Bario, “How to Create Notes that You Can Sell”.
As creative buyers and sellers, we’re always dealing with the tension between cash and payments. Many sellers want cash, when we want them to carry financing; many buyers want us to carry financing, when we want cash. But it’s actually not a ‘one or the other’ thing; sellers can carry financing for us, then get cash by selling their notes and mortgages; we can sell to buyers on terms and then sell all or part of our notes to get cash.
Experienced note buyer and seller Marco Bario wants ALL creative investors to understand HOW to create notes and mortgages in a way that they can be sold, because he’s dealt with too many deals with bad paperwork, bad terms, or bad qualifying documents to that make them unsaleable (or only saleable at a DEEP discount) to count. When you’ve heard what he has to say, you’ll be able to construct notes and mortgages that can be turned into cash for your sellers, and for you, when you’re the seller.
John Bowens: Your Friend UBIT
Lots of creative deal do-ers AVOID buying properties creatively in their IRA, CESAs, and HSAs because of the specter of turning their tax-free plans into taxpayers.
The reality is, in many cases, it’s mathematically BETTER to put a property that you bought creatively in a tax-free plan and pay the unrelated business income tax than it is to do the deal in a non-tax deferred way; John Bowens will buy you lunch AND show you why the ‘common knowledge’ that you shouldn’t do subject to, owner financed, and privately financed deals in your tax free plan might just be a myth.

Alan Chantker, “Wholesaling for PASSIVE Income”
Yep, there’s a deeper, more creative level to wholesaling, and it’s also WAAAY more profitable than ‘traditional wholesaling’.
You still get the cash you want up front, but then you ALSO get monthly cash flow that can easily triple your overall profit—and no, you STILL don’t have to put up any cash to do it, if you don’t want to. Plus, you get to sell your deals for more money and still know that your buyer is getting a great deal.
Alan Chantker, an experienced wholesaler who discovered that he likes monthly passive checks, too, will explain exactly how to do that with or without your own money
Dave Corsi: How to Create Profitable Long-Term Partnerships
Don’t shudder: partnerships are NOT, but their very nature, doomed to be dramatic failures. When carefully constructed, with the right people and paperwork, they can be incredibly profitable AND let you do a lot more deals than you could on your own.
Dave Corsi is a multi-decade creative buyer and seller who’s been using “Equity Partnerships” with other investors, home buyers, and civilians for years; he’ll share why you shouldn’t turn your nose up at the opportunity to have other people bring you deals to invest in, or money to invest in your deals, and give you lots of experienced tips about what NOT to do.

Bob Dressman: Why Would Anyone Be Stupid Enough to Buy an Option?
The biggest objection that even creative real estate investors have to the idea of pure options is this: “Why would I sink tens of thousands of dollars into an investment that created zero return for years or decades?”
That’s because you don’t understand the reality of options: that most of them don’t end in you exercising them, but instead get released at a profit; that you don’t have to have your own money to buy them; and that there are, in fact, circumstances where a future profit is better than cash flow.
Bob has been a creative buyer, seller, lender, and borrower since the early 90s, and he may just convince you that options DO have a place in your creative deal structuring tool bag.
Pete Fortunato: “Your Life is Your Fault”
It doesn’t matter what we title Pete’s talk or what he actually decides to talk about: you’re going to show up for it, because you know that he’s literally the most creative deal structurer alive today, and that whatever he talks about, it’ll make you money if you bother to do what he says

Courtney Fricke: How to Find Creative Deals by Recruiting Real Estate Agents
‘Conventional wisdom’ says that it’s nearly impossible to get creative deals when a real estate agent is involved—that agents don’t understand seller financing, are hostile to it, won’t present or defend offers.
So how does Courtney Fricke consistently—yes, even in today’s competitive, inventory-short environment—get creative financing on properties that are brought to her by agents? That’s exactly what she’s going to show you in her presentation.
Maria Giordano: How to Subject To
Of all the creative finance strategies of 2024, buying subject to is definitely the “hottest”. Not only are there hundreds of thousands of under-4% loans out there waiting for you to take them over, but 75% of Americans HAVE mortgage loans, which means that you’re more likely to run across a subject to opportunity than practically any other kind of deal
Maria is a renaissance woman who uses lots of ways to buy creatively, but she’s going to focus her presentation on the way that you NEED to know, even if you don’t understand ANY other creative strategy, and share what to look for, what to say, what paperwork you’ll need, and why subject to should be at the top of your creative strategy toolbox.

Chad Harris: How to Get Cheaper, Longer-Term Private Money
It’s the holy grail of private money: fixed rate, 8% or less interest, and 5+ years. Many have searched for it, but few have found it.
Chad Harris, a rental owner and retailer, is one of those people, and he’ll be quick to tell you that you’re probably looking in the wrong places. He’s going to share the system he’s used for years to find, educate, and recruit private lenders who are thrilled with returns in the 8% range, and who don’t WANT their money back in 12 months.
If you think that double-digit private loan rates (and short terms) are the norm, you need to hear what he has to say.
Lindsey Jensen: Solve More Seller Problems (and Get More Cash Flow) with Master Leases
Rental owners present a particular problem for us as “motivated sellers”—a lot of them like the cash flow and tax benefits, but hate the management; a lot of them would love to sell the property, but won’t, because of the capital gains taxes.
Lindsey Jensen has found a niche that lets her cleanly and profitably solve those problems for the zillions of “absentee owners” who have them: master leasing, or master leasing with an option to buy. It gets her mondo cash flow, and gets the seller the management relief their looking for without giving up all the income and tax breaks.
It’s a structure that lets you make deals with people who don’t even want to sell, and gives you a competitive advantage that can’t be beat, so make sure you’re here to learn about it!

Anita Johnson: That’s a Wrap
All-Inclusive Wrap Mortgages are a little-understood secret to borrowing money at lower payments (and longer terms) than you’d get by taking out a second mortgage, and also, miraculously, getting higher rates of return on second mortgages when you’re the lender.
It’s all very mysterious, except to Anita Johnson, who’s used them BOTH to get cheap repair money for her rentals, AND to put small amounts of IRA money to work to get giant returns. That’s why she’s the Queen of Wraps, and why she’s here to explain them to you.
Vena Jones-Cox: How to Get Zero Down, Zero Interest Owner Financing
Pop Quiz: how do you pay WAAAY over market for a nice property, and then get any needed rehab money at super-low interest rates?
A: negotiation a 0% interest seller-held mortgage. Why a seller would do that, how you can get that rehab money, and what paperwork you’ll need to make it happen will all be covered here.
Vena will also be presenting on:
How to ETHICALLY Wholesale Subject to Deals
There’s a nasty fad right now in “assigning” subject to deals that every creative finance expert is convinced is going to end in lawsuits and, worse yet, in anti-sub to legislation.
There’s a way to sell deals that you bought subject to the existing loan that IS ethical, and protects your seller and your buyer, and Vena will show you how.
Understanding “Equity Sharing” Loans
Not all private loans come with high interest rates. Some come with low, or even 0%, rates, but with a split of the monthly income or back end equity.
These “Equity Sharing” (aka “Equity Participation”) loans are the best solution in a variety of lender and borrower situations, including as an alternative to partnership when your IRA is a money partner, and when you’re the borrower but don’t want to make monthly payments when there’s no money coming in. You’ll learn all about how they work when you attend this session.

Theresa Knower: How to Use 1031 Exchanges to Build More Wealth
It’s amazing how often the topic of 1031 exchanges comes up in creative financing discussions: “Can I exchange a property I bought subject to? Can my seller exchange a property and still finance it for me? Can I exchange INTO a seller financed deal?”.
That’s why we invited Theresa Knower, president of Midland 1031, to explain the basic rules of 1031 exchanges AND the more creative uses of them: direct exchanges, reverse exchanges, improvement exchanges, and other things that even the most experienced among us haven’t done. Plus, she’s buying you lunch, so make sure you’re there!
Damon Remy: Craft, Analyze (and Automate) Creative Offers that Win Every Time!
Creative deal structuring is a high-touch strategy, but some of the drudgery (tracking your leads over time, follow ups, web marketing—and creating multiple offers) can, and should, be automated. Damon will show you a turnkey system for creating the “multiple offers”—cash, terms, and maybe a 2nd set of terms—and getting them out to sellers quickly and easily.

James Schlimmer: How to Work with Your Closer to Get Creative Deals to the Finish Line
You can know everything about how to structure and negotiate creative deals, and then have them blow up in your face because you didn’t understand what your title company or attorney needed to actually close the deal properly.
James Schlimmer works with real estate investors all over the U.S. to close complicated deals, and he’s seen it all—IRA deals, land trust deals, seller financed and private loan deals—so he’s going to explain the closing process and timelines for your crazy deals, what paperwork and instructions YOU’LL need to provide, and how to communicate with your closer UP FRONT to make sure that you don’t lose deals at the finish line.
Andy Teasley: Little Deals, Big Returns: Why You Need to Be Buying and Selling Mobile Homes Creatively
You might be ignoring the ultimate “affordable housing” because you don’t understand mobile homes and the huge advantages (and high demand, and low investor competition) in buying and selling them creatively.
Mobile home king Andy Teasley will share his process for getting mobile homes with owner or private financing, selling them for a lot more (and at higher rates of interest), and creating an entire business around “Wobbly Boxes”.

Joe Watters: How to Get Cash for the Notes You Create
When you buy and sell properties creatively, you’re going to find yourself negotiating a LOT of notes. Sometimes it’s with a seller or private lender so that you can buy a property; sometimes it’s with a buyer when you’re carrying financing.
And sometimes, you (or your seller) is going to want, or need, to sell some of all of those notes for cash. FNAC is one of the largest buyers in the U.S. of seller-financed and private notes and mortgages, and Joe is going to show you what they buy, how to get a quote, and even how to flip other people’s notes that you run across in your creative finance endeavors to FNAC.
Sam Warf: How and Why to Sell to Home Buyers Creatively
“Repair for Equity Deals” are the perfect exit strategy for houses that need repairs (but you don’t want to do them), for houses that you’d normally rent, but don’t want to manage, and for deals you BOUGHT with long-term financing, and can therefore SELL with long-term financing.
Sam Warf has done this for years, using multiple structures, and with HUGE long-term returns. He’ll share which properties work best, what your ideal buyer looks like (it’s about more than down payment and credit), different ways to ‘paper’ the sale, and how you can add this exit strategy to your long-term wealth building toolbox.