If you’ve ever heard me talk about marketing, you’ve probably heard me say, “Any marketing works better than no marketing at all.” And I stand behind that statement, as long as you also listen to the rest of it, which is, “But it’s worth it to do GOOD marketing, because GOOD marketing gets you a…

As you can imagine, I meet a LOT of real estate entrepreneurs every year. And something that I’ve noticed about many of you, including newbies and old pros, is an energy you give off that I can only describe as clenched-upness. Even folks who are excited, on the surface, about starting or expanding their real…

Negotiating with Sellers Beginning investors have a tendency to get stressed out by the very thought of “negotiation”. They put off calling sellers (or calling them BACK) for days and days. They worry about what the seller might say and what they should say back to the seller. It’s as if they believe that something…

As I learn more about myself and my business, I realize how little I really know. Don’t get me wrong, my business is successful, but sometimes the filters I wear as a business owner and entrepreneur keep me from seeing the entire truth. Sometimes it’s ego or pride. Sometimes it’s perspective. When the filters are…

In last week’s e-lesson, I talked about how awesome it would be if Dodd-Frank were repealed and we could go back to doing work-for-equity deals for folks with more skills and time than money and credit. At the end, I sort of felt like I’d only told half the story, because, like any real estate…