Joe McCall is a guy who’s always looking for better ways to leverage his time, so that he can follow his real passions, which are his wife and kids and, particularly, traveling inside and outside the U.S. with them for a month or more at a time. This article is about how his “pretty house”…

There is a Major Flaw in Real Estate Investing that very few people want to admit, and fewer still have the answers for how to overcome it. The major flaw with Real Estate Investing is not the education. There are a tremendous number of great educators out there, who provide really great content. It is…

Kathy Kennebrook in one of the most successful direct marketers in real estate; she’s bought hundreds of properties using letters and postcards to targeted motivated buyers. Many of us have learned about marketing from her in the past, but at this year’s National Real Estate Investor’s Summit (sponsored by OREIA), she’ll share her best marketing…

Dixie Decker used creative buying of student housing to literally go from bankrupt to millionaire in 3 years. She’s got a LOT of tips and strategies for buying, managing, and maintaining student houses, and she’s making her first-ever appearance at the 2018 National Real Estate Summit in Cincinnati on November 1-4. Register for that now,…