For our inaugural Inner Circle/Express Success deal analysis, I’d like to share the strangest deal I’ve ever been involved with, as an example of the fact that, with a willing seller and enough creativity on your part, it’s almost always possible to reach terms that are profitable for you and satisfactory for everyone. The deal,… If you missed my 2017 Wholesale market update, you missed a lot; I shares: The strengths and weaknesses of the current real estate market Where the best deals are and who the best sellers are (they’re not who they were even a year ago) Information about a possible market downturn in 2017 What the…

If you own rentals in Ohio, or plan to, you need to take moment and find out about a proposed law that will force you to let certain tenants out of a lease without paying. If this proposal becomes law, any tenant would be able to terminate their lease simply by showing that they planned…