Guest Blogger Raymond Aaron: How To Gain Instant Authority, Credibility, Fame, and Higher Income In Your Work Or Business.
Raymond Aaron is a New York Times top 10 best-selling author, internationally recognized speaker & wealth mentor, and adventurer. He’s also the Saturday Morning Keynote speaker at the 2017 OREIA national real estate summit, an event you just really need to attend. Get $40 off when you register now at The concept of “branding”...
IC Elesson: Motivation will Get You…Nowhere.
Have you noticed that real estate entrepreneurs are especially big on motivation? We have favorite motivational speakers the way normal people have favorite sports teams. We speak about Zig Ziglar in reverent tones. We have Brian Tracy, Mel Robbins, and Tim Ferris downloaded on our phones. We’ve got shelves full of books with titles like...
IC form of the month: the creative finance “control chart”
I’ve become obsessed lately with the idea of how to explain in simple, almost graphical terms concepts in real estate that are actually kind of difficult to get across without REAMS of supporting explanation. In fact, my next project (which you’ll get to take advantage of as soon as I manage to figure it all...
Guest Blogger Rob X: Confessions of a Not-Broke Real Estate Investor
Rob X is a landlord with a “real job” who doesn’t want his full name used for reasons understood only in corporate America. My name is Robert, and I’m a real estate investor association (REIA) member. I have a confession to make: I don’t want to quit my job. I feel a little funny saying...
IC Elesson: Deal Analysis of the Month
Cleaning up a messy title on an apartment building Michelle Clayton is a full-time mom and real estate entrepreneur from Cincinnati. She started investing in 2005 and went full time in 2011, primarily wholesaling. In 2012, she attended a Cincinnati REIA “deal of the year” meeting where she heard another fasttrack member talk about an...