IC elesson: 10 Things I Say to Sellers
Maybe you’re someone who's completely comfortable asking complete strangers questions like, “How much do you owe on your house” or saying things like, “That’s crazy, you’ll never get that price”. But if so, you’re unusual—most real estate entrepreneurs have a tough time telling other people that their properties are not worth what they think they’re...
Guest Blogger Jillian Sidoti: Powerful Tools to Raise Big Money
Jillian Sidoti of Trowbrdge, Taylor, and Sidoti probably has more experience working with real estate entrepreneurs to raise money than ANYONE in the U.S. So what does she think of the Jobs Act? POWERFUL TOOLS TO RAISE BIG MONEY: REG D, RULE 506(C), REG A+ & CROWDFUNDING By Jillian Sidoti On June 19, 2015, the SEC...
“So, How Do I Get Started?”
Ya'll do realize the irony of asking the question, “I know you’re in a hurry, but is there any quick advice you can give me about how to get started?”, right? Because I get asked some version of that question at least 100 times a year, always by a newer investor hoping that there's...
Inner Circle E-Lesson: If you want to find great deals, do THIS.
Real estate investors and entrepreneurs have different goals and ambitions—that’s why we can all get together and share ideas and resources without stepping all over each other’s businesses. But one thing we all have in common is that we need, to some extent or another, to FIND PROFITABLE DEALS. “Profitable deal” will have different...
Watch “Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working” here
The contest is over (we'll announce the winner in the next 48 hours) but EVERYONE'S a winner when they take this advice to heart: