For whatever reason, a lot of real estate investor have this idea that a career path in real estate is strategy-based; we’re all supposed to start with wholesaling, move on to the bigger checks (and bigger complications) of retailing, then buy single family rentals, and then, we we’re really knowledgeable, wealthy and experienced, end up…

Alan Cowgill is certainly the best-known name in our business in the field of raising private money. A 25+ year landlord/rehabber, he’s raised millions in private money for his own business, and helped others raise millions more. If you happen to be in Ohio, he’ll be visiting Columbus ( and Cincinnati ( in February; it’s…

2019 Will be upon us in just a few weeks, and I’ll bet you’ve already thought of some personal and business related goals for the next 12 months. This time of year lends itself well to some deep thinking and goal setting, and even the annual optimism about how THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. The…

Many people think and have been taught that land is risky, expensive, doesn’t cash flow and takes a long time to convert into profits. And in this article, I want to focus on the one thing I hear mentioned about land all the time and that irks me the most when I hear people talk…