Inner Circle Form of the Month: Creative Finance Flowchart

The awesome thing about creative finance is that it’s…creative. With a cooperative and motivated seller and a little knowledge about technique, you can put together all sorts of cool deals with low or no money down, flexible payment terms, no qualifying—all kinds of cool things. HOWEVER, one of the biggest issues I’ve seen Inner Circle...

How Wholesaling Changes (and How it Stays the Same)

I’m doing a 1-day class on how to build a $10k a month wholesaling for Cincinnati REIA on June 24th in Cincinnati. It’s just $99 for members ($129 for non-members), and you can register HERE. Wholesaling real estate seems like a pretty straightforward strategy. After all, what could be easier to understand than “find a...

IC Elesson: The Most Valuable Real Estate Investment on the Planet

…is in the 5” or so between your ears. For reals, people, if you want to know the difference between the people around you who are “killing it” in wholesaling or retailing or notes or income properties or, heck, pig farming or app development or whatever and those who have the same access to the...

IC Elesson: Never, never, never get a Partner. And if You Do, Get This…

If you’ve been to one of my Hands-On Wholesaling Academies (and if you haven’t, ‘sup?), you know that I spend a solid 20 minutes explaining (some might say railing against) why you don’t want or need a partner in your real estate business. For those of you who haven’t had the pleasure, or who don’t...

IC Elesson: Deal Analysis of the Month

For our inaugural Inner Circle/Express Success deal analysis, I’d like to share the strangest deal I’ve ever been involved with, as an example of the fact that, with a willing seller and enough creativity on your part, it’s almost always possible to reach terms that are profitable for you and satisfactory for everyone. The deal,...