Real Estate Investing Blog

Where do you find great deals on Apartments?

By Anthony Chara I get this question a lot, especially, during or just after a presentation showing an apartment complex illustrating a ‘cash on cash’ return in excess of 20%. If you went to a Commercial Broker and told them you were looking for properties with a 20% COCR, they’d do one of two things;…

At What Kind of Real Estate Will You Be “Best”?

By Vena Jones-Cox Our business fascinates me. Whether it’s creative deals or watching how REIA groups develop and maintain individual cultures or observing how different types of people react to the pressures and rewards of being real estate entrepreneurs, I find myself filing, categorizing, reorganizing, and contemplating where real estate investing fits in the bigger…

What’s all that Procrastination Really About?

By Dr. Steve Taubman Many folks believe they procrastinate because they are “lazy”. As a result, they beat themselves over the head and feel bad about it. (Maybe you do too.) It’s not true though. Procrastination has nothing to do with laziness. This is just a cop-out. It’s a story you tell yourself so that…

3 Tips for Building the Relationships that Build Your Business

by Vena Jones-Cox If you don’t think that real estate investing is a relationship business, you haven’t been paying attention.  It’s your connections with other investors that bring you the local knowledge, the referrals to the right professionals, the money, the partnerships, and the deals that let you prosper now, and for years to come.   …

7 Steps to Private Money

by John Burley There is a Major Flaw in Real Estate Investing that very few people want to admit, and fewer still have the answers for how to overcome it. The major flaw with Real Estate Investing is not the education. There are a tremendous number of great educators out there, who provide really great…

What is “Wholesaling Lease Options”?

by Joe McCall Let me first tell you a little bit about my background. A few years ago, I was buying as many homes as I could with traditional financing. But when the banks started telling me that I couldn’t buy any more homes, I started buying homes creatively – thru “subject-to” and “sandwich lease…

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