I see it every day: budding entrepreneurs who have the EDUCATION to get going and (at least say they have) the MOTIVATION to get going, but don’t actually do anything today, or tomorrow, or the next day that’s likely to GET them going. It’s a brainlock that we ALL get about certain things at certain…

Our business fascinates me. Whether it’s creative deals, or watching how REIA groups develop and maintain individual cultures, or observing how different types of people react to the pressures and rewards of being real estate entrepreneurs, I find myself filing, categorizing, reorganizing, and contemplating where real estate investing fits in the bigger world, and how…

To be perfectly honest with you, this is one of those articles that I’m writing with some trepidation, because of the clear conflict of interest that someone who sells mentoring has in WARNING people (and that’s what I’m about to do) about the potential pitfalls of “free” mentoring. Nonetheless, this is something I’ve often observed…