If you’ve been involved in any of the major national real estate education mills, even at the lowest “free workshop” level, you’ve been exposed to the idea that every real estate investor needs a mentor, or they’re doomed to complete failure and will probably live out the balance of their short, unhappy lives living in…

Real estate education includes sexy stuff (how to find deals, how to buy them without cash) an it includes more technical stuff (should I have my LLC taxed as a partnership or a corporation). We like learning the sexy stuff; we often don’t even think to ask about the technical stuff until it jumps up…

There are wholesaling experts, and then there’s Vena Jones-Cox. She’s wholesaled over 600 deals in good markets and bad, and continues to flip 45-50 deals a year. Join her at MKEREIA’s March 14th meeting, and find out: How wholesaling works today, and what you need to do to make $5,000-$10,000 in the next 30 days How…