Webinar Monday: What You Need to Know to Earn a 6-Figure Income Wholesaling

It occurred to me a week or so ago that I talk a LOT about the basic skills of wholesaling (go to my YouTube Channel HERE for a bunch of free content on those topics), but I rarely get to share what it takes to build “Look mom, I wholesaled a house!” into a real business.

Well, that’s gonna change on Monday at 9 pm EST when, thanks to my entrepreneurial ADD and the fact that it only takes 10 minutes to set up a webinar, I’ve set up a webinar called “What You Need to Know to Build a 6 Figure Income Wholesaling”

One of the great regrets of my life is that no one told me way back when that there was a difference between “being a wholesaler” and having a true, passive wholesale BUSINESS.

If they had (whoever “they” were), I’d have approached my entire career differently: my education, how I spent my time, and lots more, and the result would have been that I would have gotten  a lot more successful a lot faster.

Anyway, on Monday night a 9 eastern, I’ll share what YOU need to be thinking about if you want wholesaling to be a business that supports your lifestyle, gives you the cash you need to make passive real estate investments, AND is run largely by others.

Just register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/7876258460639578882

Remember to leave a cell number so we can text you a reminder before the call–you don’t wanna miss this, really.


6 Comments on “Webinar Monday: What You Need to Know to Earn a 6-Figure Income Wholesaling

  1. I signed up for Inner Circle after this webinar happened. How can I access the webinar so that I can see it. I’d hate to miss out on good information.

  2. Hello,

    Will there be a replay of Webinar Monday: What You Need to Know to Earn a 6-Figure Income Wholesaling?

    • Laura–
      we did 3 replays of this over the following week. We may eventually post it; if you’d like to get notice of all of my educational events, join my email list (top of the page)

  3. That was an amazing webinar, Vena! Very informative and it helps me in formulating a plan at stage 1 (where I am right now). Also, I’ll know what I should be doing at stages 2 & 3! You rock, girl 😉

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