IC ELesson: How Wholesalers Get Sued
In my lectures about wholesaling, I often say, “Wholesalers don’t get LLCs because they need the asset protection; because of the short-term nature of our deals and the fact that our buyers are professional investors, we’re not as subject to liability as people with tenants or who sell to emotional homeowners. We get LLCs because...
What Are You Waiting For? Get Started, Already…
Just this morning, I was having yet another conversation with a fellow educator about the frustration we have with students who have the brains, education, and resources to make deals—but who, month after month, do everything BUT make deals. We discussed people who spend big bucks on courses, set up their LLCs, draft land trusts,...
IC Elesson: What to do in a “Multiple Offer Situation”
As listed inventory throughout the U.S. continues to shrink, I’m getting this question more and more often: “What do I do when I make an offer on a property, and I’m told that we’re in a multiple offer situation and I’m asked for my highest and best offer?” A “multiple offer” situation is exactly what...
IC E Lesson: How NOT to Market
If you’ve ever heard me talk about marketing, you’ve probably heard me say, “Any marketing works better than no marketing at all.” And I stand behind that statement, as long as you also listen to the rest of it, which is, “But it’s worth it to do GOOD marketing, because GOOD marketing gets you a...
How to Enjoy the Real Estate Game
As you can imagine, I meet a LOT of real estate entrepreneurs every year. And something that I’ve noticed about many of you, including newbies and old pros, is an energy you give off that I can only describe as clenched-upness. Even folks who are excited, on the surface, about starting or expanding their real...