As you can imagine, I meet a LOT of real estate entrepreneurs every year. And something that I’ve noticed about many of you, including newbies and old pros, is an energy you give off that I can only describe as clenched-upness. Even folks who are excited, on the surface, about starting or expanding their real…

As I learn more about myself and my business, I realize how little I really know. Don’t get me wrong, my business is successful, but sometimes the filters I wear as a business owner and entrepreneur keep me from seeing the entire truth. Sometimes it’s ego or pride. Sometimes it’s perspective. When the filters are… If you missed my 2017 Wholesale market update, you missed a lot; I shares: The strengths and weaknesses of the current real estate market Where the best deals are and who the best sellers are (they’re not who they were even a year ago) Information about a possible market downturn in 2017 What the…