What’s all that Procrastination Really About? By Dr. Steve Taubman

Steve Taubman’s latest book, Buddha in the Trenches, is available now at Amazon.com Many folks believe they procrastinate because they are “lazy”. As a result, they beat themselves over the head and feel bad about it. (Maybe you do too.) It’s not true though. Procrastination has nothing to do with laziness. This is just a...

The Worst Thing I Ever Did…

Confession, they say, is good for the soul. So I confess: I repeatedly made a VERY serious mistake in my real estate career—one that in some ways, I will literally never recover from. I kick myself about it all the time, because I think that even as I was doing it, I KNEW it was...

Guest Blogger Damon Remy, Founder, REIBlackbook

You Don’t Need A Brand, You Need A Plan I have three truths to share with you.You cannot compete with Big Brand MarketingYou shouldn’t even try.You can do it better and see greater results for less effort (truly)Stick around, this entire article centers around why your brand is NOT the first stop on the lead...

Guest blogger K. Kai Anderson PhD: author of Retire on Real Estate: “Building Rental Income for a Safe and Secure Retirement”

Don’t Get a Nest Egg, Get a Chicken My parents worked hard to build up their nest egg. They were self-employed, so they knew there would be no pension to help them. They put four kids through college and worried about money . . . a lot. But they did build what they felt was...

If You Want to Succeed in Real Estate, Clean Up Your Messes…

2017 Will be upon us in just a few weeks, and I’ll bet you’ve already thought of some personal and business related goals for the next 12 months. This time of year lends itself well to some deep thinking and goal setting, and even the annual optimism about how THIS YEAR WILL BE DIFFERENT. The...