The Most Important Real Estate Story You’ll Ever Hear
There is an unspoken truth in the real estate investing business about what it actually takes to create real, sustainable, life-long wealth in real estate. No one talks about it because it’s not a simple, concise piece of advice that fits well into a sound bite or a homestudy course. In fact, this is going...
Inner Circle System of the Month: Deal Process Flowchart
If you’re going to run a real business (you know, one with procedures and systems that other people can actually implement so that you don’t have to do all the work), it’s going to consist of a series of documented processes that can be done over and over, the same way, every time. When I...
Guest Blogger Ron LeGrand: Are You Working On The Wrong Things?
Hey, folks, Ron is going to be in Cincinnati and Columbus for 1-day workshops on May 12th (Columbus) and 13th (Cincinnati). It’s only $99 for 1 person ($129 for 2) and when you register by Monday, you get over $400 in free CDs, Courses, Scripts, and more. Register now at; it’s a great use...
IC Elesson: And now for something completely different…important changes to the Inner Circle program, please read!
You’d probably be surprised at the amount of time and energy my staff and I put into figuring out how to make Inner Circle and Express Success as useful to you as possible. And by “useful”, I mean pack it with as many benefits that allow you to make use of it as you start...
Top 5 Profit-Killing Wholesaling Mistakes by Vena Jones-Cox
Editor's Note: If you’re learning about wholesaling, there’s a webinar you’ll want to attend on May 1st at 9 p.m. eastern called “How to Find and Process Wholesale Leads”. It’s free; register at Ahhhh, wholesaling…so deceptively simple that everyone who watches a 10 minute YouTube video about it thinks they can do it. But...