Guest Blogger Chris McClatchey: The Art of the Deal is Really Just Communication

Chris McClatchey is an incredibly experienced investor who’s best known for his teachings about creative buying. If you ever get a chance to see him live, do it. If you live in Ohio, that chance is coming on September 5th in Columbus or 7th in Cincinnati. See or www.CincinnatiREIA/com for details and a free...

IC Elesson: Interesting Business Models…

One of the great things about coordinating the OREIA National Real Estate Strategies Summit is that I spend most of July and August on the phone, interviewing potential experts about what they do, how profitable it is for them, how it’s working in today’s hot market, all that. Some of these models don’t make the...

Your Network is Your Net Worth

Ask any really successful real estate entrepreneur what resource has made them the most money, and if they’re answering truthfully, they’re going to say, “The people I’ve met.” In fact, if you’re not making it a priority to spend time creating, growing, and nurturing your network of colleagues and financial friends, you’re making a big...

IC Elesson: Why You Need to Know Notes

After this past weekend’s No Excuses Retirement Wealth Summit (an event you REALLY should have attended…ask anyone…) I got to thinking about the fact that there were, in my estimation, 5 multi-millionaires in that room, and they all had one (well, another) thing in common. Know what it was? They were super-comfortable with, and commonly...

IC Elesson: Member Deal Analysis of the month a $10 House

Anita Johnson is a part-time investor from Cincinnati who wholesales houses while she waits for a buyout from her corporate job. She’s the current president of REIA of Greater Cincinnati. Tell us about the property: This was a 5 room 2-bedroom brick in a borderzone on the west side of Cincinnati. What was good about...