Is Wholesaling Illegal?

So, which of the following online rumors have YOU read in the past 6 months?   New laws are being passed that will make wholesaling illegal Wholesaling is illegal in Ohio You can’t wholesale without a license   Yep, I love the web: one state’s Division of Real Estate prints an article claiming that CURRENT...

How a Chocolate Just Taught Me About Mental Shackles

I ran hard up on one of my own "limiting beliefs" yesterday, and I'm going to share it with you to show you how hidden and pervasive these things can be. And don't disregard the lesson just  because it has to do with candy. When I was little, we lived near a locally-famous high-end ice...

Let’s Talk About the “Inventory Problem”

Coaching people through my FastTrack to Financial Independence Program gives me a very interesting perspective on the current market.   In my day-to-day interactions with real estate folks from all over the country, I’m hearing the same thing over and over: “There’s no inventory here, and what does go on the market sells fast and...

Big-Time Real Estate Dude Says Market is “Bubblicious”

In an article for Bloomberg, Colony Capital founder Tom Barrack says that the housing market is due for a "shock". Why? Because amateurs are paying too much based on rents that are unsustainable. What do you think? Comment below.

Let’s Get Honest About “Dog and Pony Shows”

If you’ve been around the real estate education world awhile, you may have noticed that live trainings come several very different flavors. There’s the “seminar” or “workshop”, which is usually 1-2 days with a single speaker on a single topic, and ranges in price from around $200-$1200. There’s the “bootcamp”, which includes 4-6 days of...