Jim Woods is the former head of the Entrepreneurial Studies program at Cincinnati State University, and teaches a 2-day class for 15-22 year olds called the “Youth Entrepreneurial Academy” each year at the National Real Estate Strategies Summit (this year, November 3-6 in Cincinnati.) How to Get Your Young People Involved in Real Estate By…

Why What You Know About Marking Doesn’t Apply to You. In studying marketing extensively (and sometimes expensively) over the past 2 decades, one of the things I’ve discovered is that the marketing that you need to do as a real estate investor is different than the marketing that you see as a consumer. In fact,…

Thursday May 12th at 9 pm EST, I’ll teach an online class about big marketing mistakes your probably already making (and how to fix them). Register here https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3152688338869815042 As proof of my marketing genius, I’ll select one attendee for a 2-week experiment where I’ll pay for a marketing campaign for you, up to $500 in…

What is “Cap Rate”, and How Do You Use it to Find the Value of an Apartment Complex? By Anthony Chara Anthony Chara is an apartment investor and educator who, with his partners, owns over 1,000 units across the country. I love love love his classes because he shares my penchant for hyper-detailed, no BS…

Warning: This is the longest blog post I’ve ever written. At the same time, I think if you can read it all, you’ll be glad you did.Because there’s a dark secret that a lot of investors know, but that no one seems to talk about much. It’s a secret that every full-time investor eventually discovers…